Graduate School Projects - CU DENVER

M.S. Transportation Engineering, Certificate Public Policy, August 2021

Roads vs. Sidewalks

how American cities fund and maintain them differently and why it matters

Master's Thesis, Spring 2021Advisor: Dr. Wes Marshall

Working paper

"Bad Sidewalks? City says it’s a YOU problem" 


Published version

Inequitable Access in Action... Sage Publishing charges >$3000 for me to go open access on their site

Tactical urbanism: DC Slow Streets

Sustainable Transportation, Fall 2020

Project Summary: I conducted interviews, research, and a tactical urbanism experiment to learn how to make the COVID-induced phenomenon of "Slow Streets" safer and more sustainable. I shared my findings with my contacts at DDOT to help influence further decision-making on these streets.
Tactical Urbanism - PJG.pdf
Project 2 - Tactical Urbanism PJG.pdf
Policy Brief - Affordable Housing in DC.pdf

public policy analysis - affordable housing in washington, d.c.

Economics and Public Finance, Summer 2020

Project Summary: In this policy brief, I explored a public finance issue in-depth-- the affordable housing crisis in Washington, D.C. In my research, I analyzed three different policy alternatives; 1) building more housing, 2) low-income rent credits (housing vouchers), and 3) zoning reforms. I considered their effects in terms of efficiency, equity, and sustainability.
DC Public Restrooms - Presentation - PJG.pdf
DC Public Restrooms - Presentation - PJG.mp4

Introduction to GIS, Fall 2020

Project Summary: For my term project, I used evaluative criteria and data driven spatial analysis to determine the "best" two locations for a new public restroom pilot program in Washington, D.C. I shared my project findings with my Advisory Neighborhood Commission to make recommendations to the City Council.

Bike lanes and economic growth in denver

Research and Analytical Methods, Spring 2020

Project Summary: For my term project, I developed a research project to observe the economic effects of building protected bike lanes in Denver. I used GIS to merge, analyze, and visualize city and census data.
ECON 4811 Recitation - PJG.pdf

Exploring the Gender Wage Gap for Subway, Streetcar, and Other Rail Workers

Introduction to Econometrics, Spring 2021

Project Summary: I analyzed differences between female and male earnings using a cross-section of data from the 2017 American Community Survey to answer two questions: is there evidence of a gender pay gap and is there evidence of gender segregation?