Chair, February 2019 - March 2020

I've learned the best way to connect with people over built environment issues is to humanize our experiences with it. I lobbied my ASCE Colorado Infrastructure Report Card to Colorado congressional staffers in Washington, D.C. by recalling the September 2013 1,000-Year Front Range Floods. My freshman year of college, I waded to class through several feet of water but was comparatively unaffected; unsustainable planning practices killed three and left devastating ecological and economic damage in its wake. Back home in Denver’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, I worked with my councilperson, to garner support from our District 10 neighbors to improve local infrastructure not as an aesthetic effort, but as an issue of safety and inclusivity. 

Responsibilities Included:

media coverage

Colorados infrastructure is struggling and our children may be the most affected (1).mp4

Colorado can’t withstand more growth without modernizing our aging bridges and water infrastructure

Colorado Infrastructure is Barely Passing

